Alex F.: To change the world
Victor: It is free and everybody can contribute
Alex Stăncioiu: Because you can be part of a community, share ideas freely and make yourself known in the field of computer science.
Remus: On of the main advantage is that you can learn a lot from other peoples work.
Andrei Țuicu: Given that anyone can read the code you/someone wrote it is very easy to solve bugs and improve it with new features. Anyoane can that what you/someone wrote and add his new idea.
Alexandra: Open source is a way to learn from others and to meet new interesting people
Timur: Open source is the free equivalent of other proprietary products. Its code is available to anyone and it leaves the opportunity to make it better regardless of culture, location. The power of the community is a force to be reckoned with.
Costin: You can see others code, others can see your code and help you, you can also learn from the code you see, and I think that is a great advantage.
Alex Cojocaru: First it's free,then you can contribute to open source projects,you can communicate with the open source community