Open Source Summer School

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Open Source Summer School

We believe that Open Source is more than an open model of developing software. We believe that Open Source is a way of spreading ideas, of building communities and providing education. Open Source is as much about the technology behind it as it is about the people taking part in the community projects and activities surrounding it. We value the benefits of Open Source, the freedom it offers, the tools it provides and the vast amount of knowledge and skills that may be grasp through a single click on the Internet.

In the Open Source Summer School we aim to use the Open Source development and community model to bridge the gap between passionate young students and the successful projects taking part in the collaborative environment provided by the Internet.


In the Open Source Summer School we aim to use the Open Source development and community model to bridge the gap between passionate young students and the successful projects taking part in the collaborative environment provided by the Internet. We offer our experience and knowledge to all those interested in getting their first steps in open source projects.

The Open Source Summer School will consist of technical talks, presentations and seminars and hackathons. Talks and seminars would provide the basic skills and knowledge required to take part in the project; we will focus on tool such as versioning control systems, wikis, issue trackers, unit testing, automated build and deployment, frameworks, editing, IDEs. As involvement in an open source project will always deal with working with others, we will stress on communication, collaboration and team working skills. Contributions to projects will take part within hackathons, coding parties involving participants and mentors alike.

During hackathons, participants will have opportunity to develop small software projects based on the Open Source values.

Talks and hackathons will be held in direct collaboration with ROSEdu, a local UPB open source community. During the last years, ROSEdu has been actively involved in open source projects an activities, part of which will form the basis of the summer school.


The current curriculum is based on the highly successful Community Development Lab developed by ROSEdu during the last years. This activitye aims to help enthusiast undergraduate students at Politehnica University of Bucharest to make their first contributions within an open source project and to get a feeling of what real world software development actually means. The CDL curriculum is enriched for an extensive duration provided by the summer school, but still keeping the spirit of providing technical talks, hackathon sessions and invited talks.

Each day will be split among two major activities: technical talks or seminars and hackathon sessions. The hackathon sessions will involve participants and mentors alike working towards a selected open source project. Projects will be selected at the beginning of the summer school.

The technical seminars will be presentations of tools and technologies coupled with practical activities where participants will get a grip of how and when should they be using them. Eack seminar will be a 1 hour session covering the topics below:

  • Open Source Software Project Management: Wikis, Bug Tracking
  • Editors and Efficient Editing
  • Version Control Systems
  • Reading Code and Coding Style
  • Python
  • Graphical User Interfaces
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Design Patterns
  • Unit Testing
  • Integrated Development Environments
  • Android Development

Apart from the technical seminars, we will have invited speakers, helding either technical talks regarding technologies they have experience with, or personal development talks on topics such as creativity, involvement, building a career, working in teams, taking part in communities. These talks have been held in high regard during the Community Development Lab and we welcome them at the summer school.


  • June 4-7: welcoming and intro from UPB Summer School
  • Friday, June 8: intro of OSSC: presentation of people involved, curriculum, projects, selection of projects
  • June 11-15, 18-21: presentations and hackathons
  • Friday, June 22: presentation of project outcomes, diplomas and prizes, closing


We welcome enthusiastic young students with yearning for knowledge in open source projects and skill in open communities. The Open Source Summer School will welcome 15 to 18 passionate students to take part in the inquisitive presentations and challenging projects.

The presentations and hackathons are going to take place in the lab room EG106. The lab provides hardware systems, whiteboard, projector and projector screen. All is well prepared to allow fructuous collaboration and contributions into upstream.


  • May 15, June 5: Application period
  • Monday, June 23, 2014: intro of OSSS: presentation of people involved, curriculum, projects, selection of projects
  • June 24-27, June 30-July 3, 2014: presentations and hackathons
  • Friday, July 4, 2014: presentation of project outcomes, diplomas and prizes, closing
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